Traditional Food Recipes from Indonesian

Cilok, Delicious, Cheap and Easy to Get Indonesian Food

Cilok, Delicious, Cheap and Easy to Get Indonesian Food - Oriental Food Recipes

Cilok - cilok is a food that is easily found in Indonesia. The cheap price and delicious taste make cilok the most desirable food, from small children to officials.

Well this time the admin will share how to make a delicious CAKE of course ^^

Cilok Delicious food from Indonesia

Materials Cilok, Delicious, Cheap and Easy to Get Indonesian Food:


1. 200 grams of flour
2. 100 grams of sago flour
3. 1 stick of leeks, sliced
4. 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
5. enough water
6. salt and pepper to taste


1. mozzarella cheese
2. Corned beef / minced meat
3. Quail eggs

1. 75 grams of fried peanuts
2. 1/2 brown sugar
3. 1 red cayenne pepper
4. 1 clove of garlic

How to make Cilok, Delicious, Cheap and Easy to Get Indonesian Food:

1. Enter wheat flour, sago flour, salt and pepper.
2. Add the scallions and garlic.
3. Mix all the mixture while adding hot water little by little until the dough can be shaped.
4. Form the dough round and fill with filling according to taste.
5. Boil the cilok mixture until it floats, lift, drain.
6. Blend all peanut flavor ingredients.
7. Cilok is ready to be eaten with peanut sauce.
Labels: Viral Foods

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