Traditional Food Recipes from Indonesian

Chewy brownies recipe - Oriental Foods

Ingredients To Make Chewy brownies recipe

  • 150 gr DCC
  • 50 gr butter
  • 40 gr of vegetable oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr versatile bread flour
  • 35 grams of brown powder
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Enough choco chip topping
  • One piece of salt

Chewy brownies recipe - Oriental Foods
Chewy brownies recipe

Step To Make Chewy brownies recipe

  1. The DCC team, oil and butter until it dissolves
  2. Beat the eggs and the sugar should not expand enough until the sugar dissolves
  3. Mix the melted chocolate then mix well
  4. Sift flour, chocolate and salt and mix the mixture in the mixture
  5. Pour the mixture in a baking sheet with baking paper
  6. Then bake at 180 degrees with lower heat for 30 minutes
  7. 5 minutes before the mature brownies change the fire to the bottom.
See Other Recipes:
Labels: Bake, Cake

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