Oriental Food Recipe

Traditional Food Recipes from Indonesian

Ketchup egg recipe

Ketchup egg recipe

 Sweet spicy soy sauce egg recipeResep Telur KecapSimple cooking can be used for the next few days, one of which is by cooking eggs. Now, this time...
 Turmeric Powdered Egg Recipe

Turmeric Powdered Egg Recipe

Turmeric Powder Egg Recipe Without Coconut MilkResep TelurEggs are one of the favorite side dishes of many circles. Apart from being healthy, rich in...
Cilor Traditional Foods Recipe

Cilor Traditional Foods Recipe

 Cilor Traditional Foods From Indonesiacilor tusukGood evening moms ... I hope everyone is in good health. at nights like this the delicious snacking...
omelet filled with rice

omelet filled with rice

 omelet filled with rice-oriental foodsresep telur dadar campur nasiHello good morning moms. This time I will share a food recipe made from chicken...
Gulali Recipe

Gulali Recipe

Traditional Cotton Sugar Recipe From Javanese SugarGulali From IndonesiaGulali is one of Indonesia's traditional foods which is quite popular in its time....
Egg crust recipe

Egg crust recipe

 Traditional egg crust recipekerak telor traditional foods from IndonesiaWho doesn't know Kerak Telor? A typical Indonesian food made from the basic...
Mung bean puree recipe

Mung bean puree recipe

 traditional green bean puree recipegreen bean pureeMung bean porridge has long been known as a traditional snack in Indonesia. This sweet-tasting...
Fruit Rujak Recipe

Fruit Rujak Recipe

 Traditional Fruit Rujak Recipe from Indonesiatradisional fruit recipeWho doesn't know rujak? This traditional Indonesian food is loved from young...
 Grilled duck recipe

Grilled duck recipe

Traditional roasted duck recipeTradisional roasted duck from IndonesiaGood afternoon mom, this time I want to share how to cook roasted duck. Without...
Pancong cake recipe

Pancong cake recipe

 The Best Recipe For Pancong CakePancong cake tradisional food from IndonesiaPancong cake is one of Indonesia's traditional cakes. Most people love...
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